Most of us that love handcraft will always heart linen. I love how linen balance up the daily life, it will slow down the tense and whenever I saw beautiful linen handmade, it will just take my breath away~
Today I would like to introduce the linen that I love and linen that I hate. I only bought linen twice. I dare not to purchase online, as i prefer to touch the linen and think of my idea of using it.
第一次買棉麻是在本地一家有名的連鎖布店K公司。當時他們店的棉麻有折扣。我買的素色棉麻30%折扣,買了半meter還要RM20++ 心有點肉刺。。。買了回來發現到它的布料很疏。。。很不適合拿來做手作,因為縫了之後很容易散開,每次看到它就提醒自己以後要小心。
The first experience of purchase linen was through a local fabric franchise K company. At that time they have discounts on their linen item. The plain linen that I purchased was under 30% off. I bought 1/2m, if cost me more than RM20++. When I went back home, I found that I did a mistake, as this linen is so loose and not suitable for sewing, as the fabric will torn easily. It warn me to be careful on my future purchase.
有一天我的布料供應商 -
MAYMAYSHOP 告訴我她有一批很漂亮的棉麻,我心癢癢的。到我等她送貨的時候,只剩下最後的1/4meter。昨天收到這片素色棉麻後我真的很開心,它的品質非常的棒,密密的,顏色很素,重量也適中,很適合手作,我馬上和
MAYMAYSHOP 聯絡,希望可以和她買更多的棉麻。好的棉麻可遇不可求~
One day, my fabric supplier -
MAYMAYSHOP told me that she have very nice linen stock, I was really interested to purchase with her, and when I placed my order, it left only 1/4m. When I received the fabric. I am really happy, as the quality was really terrific! It is tight, nice plain linen color, and the weight is ideal~ very suitable for sewing. Immediately I contacted
MAYMAYSHOP and told her that I wish to purchase her next restock linen. It is not easy to get good linen that we love. It is better I stock up rather that disappointed myself.
如果你有興趣要購買的話,請到 -
MAYMAY LINEN 看看。我知道她訂購的棉麻快到了。如果你是在國外,她也可以送貨給你。可以用 PAYPAL 交易~
Here I would like to share the photo, and let the photo tell the story. I compare the linen I got from K company and
MAYMAYSHOP If you are interested to purchase the linen I got, please proceed to
MAYMAY LINEN I understand that her restock is arriving soon~~~ If you are at oversea, she can deliver for you too, you can purchase through PAYPAL~
It is too loose and the weight is just not suitable |
tight & the weight is so suitable for any type of sewing! |